Monday 24 December 2012

Bleach 521- A piggy party

This weeks chapter starts out with Renji and Ichigo landing in the Gaton Den (sleeping pigs palace) run by Kirio Hikifune.

Everyone's granny <3
They are both served huge portions of food. They also seem to find some worms odd treats in their food. As they eat, they have a moment of regret for eating while their friends were busy training. They soon realize they need to be healthy in order to fight so they continue eating.

So much food

maggots are full of protein

We see Hikifune's real form, which is of a beautiful busty woman.

Yea I'm hot , so what?

She explain how everyone of the members of the Royal guard has changed soul society and earned a place in the soul kings palace.

Smart and Sexy, you mad?

She invented the artificial soul, and all the food that both Ichigo and Renji consumed behaved in a similar manner. They were basically ingesting Reiatsu that was in the food.

Overdose on Reiatsu
She then tells them their next stop is the Phoenix Palace , with Nimaiya Ouetsu, the person who created the Zanpakuto.

I'm a crazy mofo!~

Granny's thoughts :

I don't care. She's hot. Bleach should have ended a long time ago.

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