Saturday 15 December 2012

Naruto 613- Head

The chapter starts out with Naruto and the rest of the Shinobi Alliance attacking the Jubi. 

wtf happened to me left arm?! I didn't sign up for this Madara!

Soon, through Madara’s genius observational skills, we see that the real target is Madara who is controlling the Jubi.

Obviously, their attack fails miserably , and now we have a pissed off Jubi.
Dey be crying, and hurting, watching Madara playing durtayy

Madara goes to show the Shinobi Alliance that he’s the boss his power by attacking far away cities

The final city he attacks is actually the Shinobi Alliance headquarters cause no one would have guessed where Ino’s and Shikamaru’s fathers are currently thinking of a strategy to kill Madara.

Some Shinobi actually think they could evacuate in time, but are soon slapped with some common sense. 

I got this shit.

Shikaku seems to have figured out a way to defeat Madara and convey’s is message /final plan to the alliance right before the headquarters is hit.

My thoughts:
Why the fuck hasn’t anyone thought of , trying to go find yamamoto , or kill Hashirama’s clone ?  Anyways, I’d like to see this great plan in action, and what the fuck happened to Tsunade? She better not die. I’ll be pissed if she dies. 

On a side note, The Juubi is probably the ugliest thing i've seen in awhile. It kind of reminds me of a pokemon, I'm not quit sure which one.

I am Juubi, Hear me ROAR!~
Granny Tsubasa 

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