Sunday 23 December 2012

Naruto 614 - To you

This weeks chapter continues the story of Madara and Obito being little bitches. The ugly ass juubi is still going apeshit and the shinobi alliance is getting their asses handed to them.

I'm gonna kill you !~

Madara and tobi have a little talk about how Madara needs Tobi's body in order to fully revive.

We got this shit
The Hyuuga's , Hinata's father, Neji and Hinata declare that they will protect Naruto because they are the strongest ninja from Konoha.

Obito being the asshat he is, decides to send huge spears of wood at the Shinobi Alliance. The hyuuga's deflect the attack with some difficulty.

What is this fuckery?[ Am I the only one who thought of the moment where Naruto's parents jump infront of him to save him as a baby?  ]
Unfortunatly, they are unable to stop all the spears and Hinata jumps infront of Naruto to save him, and Neji jumps infront of Hinata to save them both.

Crying tears of blood.

Hisashi stares in horror as his nephew is killed and we see Neji dying in Naruto's arms as Hinata cries.
Naruto asks Neji why he did it and we are shown a flashback of Neji and Naruto during their exam.

Neji finally dies in Naruto's arms with his final words being "Because I'm a Genius" .

His eyes are sealed.

Finally Neji understands the freedom of choosing his own death, just as his father had.

Granny's heartbreak:

This release of Naruto was especially shocking to many fans. Though I am not a fan, I did enjoy the manga, and the events that transpired in this chapter have left me raging and crying tears of blood. Needless to say, granny hasn't been this mad since ASCE died in Onepiece. All I have to say is fuck you masashi, fuck you! Neji ! you will forever be awesome!~ unf. What about TENTEN? ugh D:<

p.s. Someguy will be reviewing Naruto from now on because this type of fuckery isn't good for granny's heart and low blood pressure.

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