Saturday 1 December 2012

Toriko - The Preliminaries Start!! - Chapter 213

While Komatsu get's psyched out by the competition, his opponents prepare! At least those that aren't over confident. Will Any of the younger generation win this contest? Who knows, but it might be the last! What is meant by that? Does he not believe they have enough power to win the upcoming battle? Wasn't the ultimate goal of the Bishokukai to get their hands on the ultimate ingredient known as god? Or is it perhaps not just the flavour they desire but also power! With that food we can only assume they'd gain unlimited power! Anyway! Back to the current chapter! the contestants are just about to start their first competition which combines a mix of cooking skills, stamina and speed! Of course there might be more to it but we can't say for sure yet as it's not started (damn misleading title!) but anyway, certainly an exciting time....but not as much for Komatsu.....poor, nervous Komatsu.

- Some Guy

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