Thursday 22 November 2012

Toriko - The Contestants Appear

Ah Toriko! A fine manga. One, this new blogger is unable to read without consuming food before, during and after each chapter! Well I for one am curious as to how our little hero will stack up in the Cooking Festival competition. Although showing great potential, I'm not quite sure he's ready to go toe to toe with the world's best but then again I have underestimated him before...Anyway! Here's hoping the cooking genius, mini hero surprises us yet again! Where do you think he'll place? Or will the competition even get to finish? Perhaps it'll be interrupted? Only the next chapter will tell!

- Some Guy


The chapter starts out with the introduction of the members of the “Zero Division” aka the Royal Guard. It seems like the members of the Zero division were all previous members of the Gotei-13.


Kirio Hikifune
Senshumaru Shutara

We are introduced to Kirio Hikifune , the previous head of the 12th Division, Senshumaru Shutara, and Bonze as well as two others that remain anonymous. The guard has been sent by the King of souls to retrieve Ichigo cause he’s probably his son lol  , Rukia, Renji and Byakuya. 

One of the Royal Guards who seems to be channeling his inner Elvis taunts Unohana about his superior healing skills and shit.

My thoughts:

Honestly,  I don’t even know why Bleach didn’t stop after the Aizen arc. The plot has become ridiculous to the point that its laughable. Ichigo seems to be everything, human, shinigami, hollow, and NOW he’s even a quincy. Lolwtf? .. Next we’ll find out he’s related to the King of souls.

Let’s hope it ends with a Bang, but I doubt it. 


Monday 19 November 2012

Spirit Bomb Yo Ass

Herro people! This blog will mainly discuss anime, manga, comics and other shit we want to discuss! feel free to comment and join in future discussions :)