Saturday 19 January 2013

Fairy Tail - 312

Bitch, Kagura, Erza
This chapter was all action. Not much was shown except how strong Erza (Fairy tail) , Kagura(Mermaid Heel) and the ugly bitch Minerva (Sabertooth) are.

I'm watching you watching me watching you watching her, wait what?

 Then we see them stand there intensely gazing at each other. Then Minerva starts to ramble about how Sabertooth is the best guild and the other two guilds to know their place. ( Basically a bunch of nonsense). Kagura and Erza didn't care about what she had to say and promptly told her to get on with it.

The proceed to go all out , hitting , punching and kicking each other. Then Minerva decides to show her "immense power" by using an incantation Yagdo Rigora also referred to as Yakuma's spell of the Eighteen Gods of Battle by Marvis Vermillion. 

The audience and judges stare in awe at the sheer power of her spell.  After the dust clears up, we see that a portion of the stadium has been destroyed. Minerva thinking she won, smiles in triumph only to see Kagura and Erza standing there as if nothing happened.
What was that? Did you feel a breeze or something?
 Minerva can only smile and says "let's make things more interesting", we then see her bring out Millianna in a bubble. She proceeds to tell Erza and Kagura that she is a dirty cheating bitch   slowly absorbing Millianna's magic.

I'm a cheating scum, cause sabertooth can't win in a fair game.
Erza and Kagura both look at Minerva with rage in their eyes, ready to kills her.

Bitch is going down.
The scene changes to the princess and the ugly old man, talking about the Eclipse plan and why it has to happen. The princess reveals that the winner of the Grand Magic Tournament will decide the fate of the future. One team will win in a ridiculous manner, and if this comes to be , she will have no choice but to proceed with the plan.

It's gonna happen old man.
Again the scene changes to Natsu and the gang who have found a way to escape the dungeon. When the get to the door it opens. We see a person dressed in a cloak, who was previously seen talking to Jellal. The person reveals their face and it is none other than Lucy. She asks Fairy Tail to help her change the disastrous future that awaits them.

Help me.

Granny's thoughts.

Well, this was a long chapter to review. I'm not sure what's going to happen next, but i'm pretty sure the "guild that won in a ridiculous manner" is sabertooth, especially since Minerva is a lousy bitch. It's not hard to figure out that Kagura and Erza will beat her. Or maybe, Fairy tail must lose in order for the future to change, you never know, it could happen. Yes, I hate Kagura and I hope she has her ass handed to her.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

One Piece - A Very Dangerous Man - Chapter 694

A living weapon vs Franky! You'd think a person that could become any weapon would win but maybe it's limited due to imagination or maybe intelligence? So Franky....Kick some ass but oh no! Doflamingo! Here's hoping we finally get to see what he is truly capable of. Really it bothers me that we never get to see! Not a great deal happened in the chapter other than Franky fighting the living weapon and her brother, then of course Doflamingo making his move! but not much to say, I just hope the net issue shows some bad@$$ fighting! STRAWHATS FTW!!